Vox Mundi

2019 Concerts

You can download individual MP3 files by following these instructions for windows computers, similar apply to Apple based software:

  1. Select the tune by moving the mouse over title and right click. The sub-menu opens and select “open in new tab” or “open in new window” as you prefer.
  2. Open window or new tab that you selected. You will be presented with the player.
  3. Left-click over the three vertical dots and select download which will then happen automatically.

Tonflödet And Vox Mundi
Summer Concert
June 2019

These are MP3 versions. To download the MP3 files, right-click on a tune and open it in a new window or tab. Right-click on the speaker icon and choose “save audio as…”. WAV file versions or CDs are available. Please ask.

Vox Mundi Concert
December 2019

These are MP3 versions. To download the MP3 files, right-click on a tune and open it in a new window or tab. Right-click on the speaker icon and choose “save audio as…”. WAV file versions or CDs are available. Please ask.

They were recorded live, with audience participation in certain places.

A choir of women wearing black and red scarves, harmoniously singing together in perfect unison.

The Fabulous Vox Mundi International Choir.

Group of female singers in red and black attire harmonizing together.

Join in with the Twelve Days of Christmas.

A choir of women in red scarves singing, joyfully captivating the audience with their harmonious voices. #ChoirCheering

Vox Mundi Choir congratulates the audience.

A diverse group of people in a church, with a choir and audience singing joyfully together.

Ready to start your next project?

Contact us at [email protected]
Or Give us a call: 

Rob: 07809 158965

Andrew: 07860 370879

Sometimes, we cannot answer, so please email us.